A 82 year old female with pain in right knee

 This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centred online learning portfolio and your valuable comments on comment box is welcome. I've been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan

Case taken by Shivang sharma 

 A 82 year old female resident of Bidar came to OPD with chief complaints of 

Difficulty in walking since 25 days

Pain in the right knee since 25 days. 

HOPI -Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1month back on getting up in the early morning she was unable to get up and she noticed a swelling which was sudden in onset extending from knee to ankle she was taken to hospital next day and was prescribed DEC which she used to take till june 4th on june 5th she came to our hospital with complaints of unable to walk and pain in the right knee which was insidious in onset, pricking type of pain,continuous aggravted by walking and relieved by medication and rest.

She has knee localised joint pain .sudden onset gradually progressive pricking type of pain.Pain aggregated by walking relieved by rest and medication.pain is more in the morning

From 16 June she is suffering from fever which is 104° F insidious onset continuous not associated with chills and rigors .fever was relieved by medication.

.10 years ago she had left wrist joint fracture which appears as malunited.

Past history - hypertension since 10 yrs using telma 40 mg 

Calcium tablets everyday since 12 years

No h/o of diabetes,thyroid disorder,cad,

Family history:-

No similar complaints in the family 

Personal history - 


Appetite: normal

Sleep: decreased since uses alprazolam

Bowel and bladder: regular

No addictions 

General examination:

Patient is conscious coherent cooperative

Moderately built and nourished

Pallor: present

Icterus: absent

Cyanosis: absent

Clubbing: absent

No lymphadenopathy 


Temp: 98.2 F

Bp: 100/60 mmHg

PR: 102 bpm

RR: 18 cpm

SpO2: 98% on RA 

Systemic examination:



Chest is symmetrical

Movements of chest - symmetrical

Trachea appears to be central

No drooping of shoulders, intercostal fullness or retraction,crowding of ribs,winging of scapula

No visible sinuses,scars,dilated veins


No local rise in temperature and no tenderness

All inspectory findings are confirmed.

Expansion of chest is equal on both sides in anterior,posterior and apical areas.

Trachea is central in position
Apex beat is felt in left 5th ICS half inch medial to mid claviclular line.



Indirect- resonant


Breath sounds: normal 

Cardiovascular system:

Apical impulse present

S1,s2 are heard 

Per abdomen:

On Inspection

Shape of abdomen :-flat 

Umbilicus is inverted.

No scars , engorged veins.

All parts of abdomen are moving equally with respiration 

On palpation:- all inspectory findings are confirmed.

abdomen is soft, non tender 

On percussion:- no shifting dullness and no fluid thrills.

On auscultation:- normal bowel sounds are heard



Memory intact



Normal sensations felt in all dermatomes


Normal tone in upper and lower limb

Normal power in upper and lower limb

Normal gait


Normal, brisk reflexes elicited- biceps, triceps, knee and ankle reflexes elicited


Normal function

No meningeal signs were elicited

Knee joint examination:

There is swelling in the right knee
No color changes,scars
Skin : normal

Local rise of temperature is present
Tenderness along medical joint line
Tenderness is present along the lateral border of patella 

Provisional diagnosis - microcytic hypochromic anemia 



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